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Cleveland Fish & Game

Cleveland Fish & Game is dedicated to the advancement of hunting and fishing in Manitowoc County and especially the Cleveland area. They have been major purchasers of land in their area and made that property available to the public through the offerings of Manitowoc County Fish & Game. They spend time and resources helping to maintain this property and access.


The club offers a variety of shooting sport activities including trap shooting leagues and an annual Poultry Shoot. Each July the club hosts the Cleveland Fish Derby on Lake Michigan attracting sporting enthusiasts from around the state. This is the organization’s major fundraiser and activities support a variety of community and youth projects.

Meeting Day

7:00PM on the Second Monday the Month

Clubhouse Location

Cleveland Clubhouse on S. Union.

Mailing Address


Contact Person

Jeff Stoeckigt
Phone: 920-693-8909

Club Membership


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